Saturday, 24 January 2015

(Pictured) UK Wants To Deport 5 year Old Nigerian Boy Rafeeq Atanda, Mum Pleads

A Nigerian mum on Wednesday pleaded with the UK Govt to allow her son remain in the country hours before he was due to be deported to Nigeria, a country his mother says he’s never lived in.

5 year old Rafeeq Atanda (pictured above) and his mother Bola Fatunbi, were held on Wednesday night at the immigration center in London ahead on the scheduled deportation yesterday. Looks like they may even have been deported.

“Speaking from the centre, Bola told the Evening Chronicle: “I feel safe in Gateshead, but we have no one in Nigeria. Rafeeq was born here, he goes to school here and is doing well, it is so very hard for us. There are so many kidnappings and frightening things with Boko Haram happening in Nigeria, it would not be safe.”

From UK Mirror

Fighting back tears, Bola, 30, told how she had first come to the UK following the death of her parents and brothers and sisters in a car tragedy in Nigeria in 1997.

She said: “It was so hard but I thought I’d have a better life here and we have made a lot of friends in Gateshead.”

Gateshead MP Ian Mearns has now asked the Home Office to urgently reconsider their decision to deport the little boy.

Despite being born in this country, Rafeeq faces being removed from the UK with Bola. The Chronicle understand Mr Mearns contacted the Home Office on Wednesday, requesting a barrier be placed on the planned deportation, citing concerns over Rafeeq’s health.

He received a response stating: “We are aware of the health issues regarding this family and have been working with various services to ensure the family’s needs are met during removal.


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