Many people have different views about this. While majority are of the opinion that it's better you don't check your partner's phone so you will not get "Heart attack" (Lol) . They believe it's better you don't bother yourself about anything as long as your partner is not acting in a suspicious way.
However,,a lesser fraction of people see nothing wrong with it. As a matter of fact they believe it's a good way to earn your partner's trust.
But the question ponders. What is really bad in allowing our partners go through our messages? I feel a healthy relationship should be as transparent as anything. There shouldn't be anything to hide. So once you can't allow your partner check your phone it may mean you have something to hide. It mustn't necessarily be cheating but that is how it always is 97% of the time.
So i'd like to ask. Can you allow your partner go through your phone? Or Can you ask your partner to give you his/her phone to check? If yes,,please give your reasons. If no,,your reasons should also be stated.
Nairalanders,,please let's be sincere in our contributions. I know many of us may want to form/pretend other wise.
N:B This applies to both marriage and a normal relationship.
However,,a lesser fraction of people see nothing wrong with it. As a matter of fact they believe it's a good way to earn your partner's trust.
But the question ponders. What is really bad in allowing our partners go through our messages? I feel a healthy relationship should be as transparent as anything. There shouldn't be anything to hide. So once you can't allow your partner check your phone it may mean you have something to hide. It mustn't necessarily be cheating but that is how it always is 97% of the time.
So i'd like to ask. Can you allow your partner go through your phone? Or Can you ask your partner to give you his/her phone to check? If yes,,please give your reasons. If no,,your reasons should also be stated.
Nairalanders,,please let's be sincere in our contributions. I know many of us may want to form/pretend other wise.
N:B This applies to both marriage and a normal relationship.
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