Thursday, 19 February 2015

How Hobbies Can Ruin Your Resume/CV

One of the most neglected parts of a resume is “Hobbies” it is usually located before the reference. Experience and observation have shown that graduates don’t understand what a hobby is or that they don’t know how to apply it in their resume or curriculum vitae.

Like other section in a resume, hobby has a crucial part as it helps to create a spider web link to one of the sections in a resume most specially the skills and ability section.

Hobby section deserves the same time devoted when writing other section. Many resume as failed because of this section. The question is how?

1. Your hobby above other things, tell your recruiter more about your social life.

2. What you do when you’re not working

3. How you manage your time

4. How you use your skills and ability in an informal settings

5. Your availability for team work.

With this 5 point, you can see a gap in your resume when you neglect the place of hobby.

No recruiters would want to employ a robot as employee. Hobby gives your recruiter a clearer picture of you. One of the benefit of hobby in a resume is that is can create an atmosphere for discussion with your recruiters during the job interview.

Now that you know the important of hobby, you should be careful not to lie or list all the hobbies you can think of. Three to four is enough. You might want to ask why.

If you list all the hobbies you can think about, then your recruiter might be force to think that you might never have time to do any formal work outside the work environment.

So what are you waiting for, start editing your resume if you have one already.

And remember, except you are writing a general resume (fresh graduate), try to tailor your hobby to match your job specification and not just that, make sure there is a linking or connection with your skills and ability or other section in the resume.


If you write internet research as one of your skills then there should be reading or writing in your hobby... there is a link between internet research and writing/reading. This is just a sample. There can be other things which can link each other in a resume apart from the example above and below.

Creative thinking can link chess/Sudoku/scrabble game


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