Friday, 20 February 2015

Should He Relocate To Another Apartment Because Of His Wife's Nightmares?

Good evening, my able people. I initially wanted to post this thread on RELIGION section, but on a second thought, I considered it will make more sense to post it here. The issues to be discussed cut across FAMILY and RELIGION, hence my confusion over which section it should be posted.

My wife's been having recurrent nightmares. Seriously, she hardly have a smooth night. Its all screams and screams, and incessant dreams of death hovering around us. We have prayed and fasted, but the dreams keep coming. Whenever I'm on night shift, I'm also worried about her safety back home. Its either she dreams of our kids having serious attacks or herself being under attacks. Its really challenging.

A few weeks ago, we visited a pastor, and after some discussions he suggested we should relocate to another apartment/place. I pretended like I didnt hear him. When we got home, my wife brought the issue up again and I told her we werent going anywhere. I told her we should continue praying and believe God to see us through. We've been in our current apartment for a little over 5 years. Now she says shes no longer comfortable with the house and that we must relocate. Honestly, she hardly enjoys the place. Whether or not it got anything to do with what our pastor told us, I couldnt tell.

Today, she brought it up again. She had gone to see her business colleague, and according to her they zoomed off into religious stuff, and the issue of our house and the bad dreams came up. Of course, her pastor friend also suggested we relocate. A little argument came up and i had to leave the house. I'm typing from the office; night duty things.

My stand is this: being a Christian over a decade, plus knowing the fact relocating to a new place may not necessarily stop the attacks, I still believe we should ask some of our pastors to come over to our house and join us in prayer. I believe a Christian shouldnt run from demonic attacks, but should instead fight back and withstand these foes. Its my belief shaa!

I just renewed our rent for the year a few days ago. But my wife is still insisting we relocate. Her health and happiness, needless to say, is very important to the both of us, and I dont want to appear insensitive and selfish. What should I do? What if she is right? Should I stand my ground? What if I'm wrong? Too many thoughts crossing my mind. That will be the third place we will be relocating to within our axis.

Whats the best way to handle this situation? Please, I will appreciate all meaningful suggestions and advice....

Thanks, in advance.


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