Tuesday, 3 March 2015

Americans On Washington Post React To Burning Of Suspected Female Boko Haram Bomber

commentators on an article "Nigerian mob beats to death and burns teen girl they thought was a bomber — but likely wasn’t" which appeared on WASHINGTON POST have surprisingly praised the beating and burning to death of a female teenager suspected by the mob to be a suicide bomber.

below are the comments that followed the article;

Marin Perkovic

3/2/2015 6:10 PM GMT+0100

Well if we will follow the logic of American sniper Nigerian mob are heroes and certainly not criminals.


3/2/2015 6:01 PM GMT+0100

Oh well, you always can't get it right. Just ask the folks who believe in the death penalty in the good old US of A


3/2/2015 5:17 PM GMT+0100

Moral of he story; always cooperate with the authorities or you'll be chased down and killed as if by a mob of Nigerians.


3/2/2015 5:02 PM GMT+0100

The police could not definitely say who was with her? They thought she may not have been a terrorist because she did not blow up? Only commenters noted she might have been a trial run! Wow, what great police work


3/2/2015 3:42 PM GMT+0100

The headline to this article is atrocious. Makes it sound like she was just an innocent victim of an unruly mob. She refused to be searched and had 2 plastic bottles under her head scarf which were attached to her waist. Is that normal behavior and attire?


3/2/2015 4:31 PM GMT+0100 [Edited]

"Is that normal behavior and attire?"

It's the behavior of an advanced scout for the Islamists, testing security levels. If she had gotten through the checkpoint, she would most likely have been followed by an actual bomber, or she would have returned later with explosives instead of water bottles.

Andy Larkin

3/2/2015 3:35 PM GMT+0100

I do not want to offend anyone, but it seems that radical Muslims have 'made' every Muslim in the world a legitimate suspect and target. Anyways, for those who are innocent - you'd better not cover yourself so much that people wrongly decide you are carrying explosives! Better safe than sorry!

Science and Reasoning

2:46 AM GMT+0100

Might have been a dry run to see if a physical search would deem water bottles harmless and allow the girl to pass.


3/2/2015 2:53 PM GMT+0100

We are talking about a country in which the terrorists have more power than the government. Of course, mob rules!


3/2/2015 2:52 PM GMT+0100

I think people in Nigeria have the right to be on edge. Unless you live there or have been what they have been through, you really have no place to comment.

Brandon Boye

3/2/2015 11:36 AM GMT+0100

Just the first.

Muslims have made every Muslim in the world a legitimate suspect and target.

Better safe than sorry.



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