Wednesday, 11 March 2015

Do You Believe In Karma? Share Your Experiences

My husband says as a Christian ,I shouldn't believe in what people call karma but I have seen this happen over and over again,people reap what they sow. Find me another word to call it. You can't sow coco yam and expect to go and harvest gboko yams

Too many examples I have seen but two stand out to me


I know a man and his wife who were close friends with this other couple we know. The two men had been childhood friends in Nigeria,emigrated to the the USA and remained tight friends ,both men married and their wives also became good friends.Eventually one of the couples divorced over the wife's infidelity.The other couple betrayed this man by remaining friends with that wife accompanying her to pack her stuff from her matrimonial home and giving her emotional support in the courtroom during the divorce.

We were so saddened to hear all this ,my husband expressed to the disloyal friend that he didn't act right and when the betrayed man told us about his divorce and his wife's infidelity in tears ,what hurt him most was the actions of his best friend and his wife.

A decade later ,that second couple were at the verge of divorce and one day it hit me,this was karma about to happen. I asked my husband to call this guy and ask him to go beg his former friend for his role a decade ago,my husband didn't want to be involved ,well they divorced and the man suffered worse fate.He ended up homeless and penniless and squatting with someone when the wife kicked him out and filed for divorce with a restraining order.


A second case that stands out to me is an overbearing mother in law that treated her daughter in law so badly because she took a while to get pregnant and when the DIL eventually got pregnant she had a still birth and her mother- in-law told her the marriage was over.she went from that hospital back to her parent's house and the man married another wife at the command of his mom.

The MIL's only daughter was young when all this happened. She eventually grew up to be a very beautiful girl with suitors swarming.

She married the first husband and her MIL hated her with a perfect hatred.She couldn't conceive and the treatment got worse. She was eventually thrown out of her matrimonial home literally.i heard she threw out her belongings on the street and locked the door, she married the second husband ,an older man and he got sick a few years later and died .The girl had no child till this day.

It was just a few weeks ago it hit me and I told my husband,this is karma

Her daughter was treated the same exact way she treated someone's daughter ,perhaps worse.

Do you believe in karma?

Share your karma stories


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