A young female friend wondered aloud to me the other day. She said that men of this age seem to be interested in only big girls. She concluded with ‘’every lady should start packaging herself… If she doesn’t want any man to look down on her’’. I opined that men of substance(not lazy men) actually look for focused ladies… Someone who knows what to do with her time and makes efforts to improve herself.
As far as i am concerned, the so called packaging is another name for fake life style. Projecting an image that is far from one’s reality!
As far as i am concerned, the so called packaging is another name for fake life style. Projecting an image that is far from one’s reality!
I do not get why an unemployed girl would be living way above her means just to net a rich guy and actually justifies her ways by a mistaken notion that if she appears cheap(?)…such a man would think she is classless. For real? Except the man is in your league (mentally)… He should actually be interested in finding out if your source of livelihood justifies your life style.
The word moderation seems to have vanished from our vocabulary and I wonder if mothers are still doing their job or is it a case of social influence having the upper hand? I also think every lady should make an attempt to retrain herself at some point in life… Whoever that is realistic with herself should have an idea of what her flaws are. How can you be comfortable carrying a phone of close to 100,000 Naira around when you have no job? Even if it’s a gift, I have no doubt that the person that can give you such gifts will have no problems paying for you to get; further educated, Acquire skills or even start up some entrepreneurial ventures. It’s almost like the percentage of girls that don’t do brazilian(and co) weave ons is fast nearing zero because for some odd reason…wearing the big hair has become the obsession of mostly those that can’t afford it.
A lot of girls have come across people who genuinely want to assist but for some misguided attitude on the part of these girls. A friend told me that he met a lady that he genuinely wanted to encourage after learning that she was still an undergraduate. He was sending her money regularly for her upkeep but had to close shop with her when all her demands centered on the latest smartphone and weave ons in town. The one that horrified me most is a demand to visit Bianca’s Spa at Enugu on a weekly basis.… He did not need to be told that she was a mistake. He didn’t expect such from a girl who should be more concerned with getting funding for her education and creating a business in school.
I truly can’t say what drives a lot of our girls but diligence and moderation is not one of them. Why should you be more eager to entertain the passes of every man that comes your way than you are willing to add value to yourself? A young lady(in her late 20s) chatted me up a few days back and I was most impressed to learn that she is learning a trade(on baby stuffs) and makeup -despite being a graduate. For a girl that is that focused…some of her mates are busy traveling all over the country to meet men.
Packaging is actually in the efforts you make to live a life of purpose(what you do with your time and the way you carry yourself-manners wise)…it has nothing to do with fake and unrealistic lifestyle. Again, ‘not having a job’ is not the issue (with a man of substance) but the way you engage your time and the efforts you make at improving yourself!!!
Hope I have pissed you off enough.... I wont be this raw next time.. I promise
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